Hildegard College seeks courageous young adults who aren’t afraid to ask the big questions, who don’t want to just consume culture but to create it.
The Hildegard College application is an opportunity for us to learn if you’re a strong fit for our learning community. We want to know what makes you unique, what motivates you, and why you believe Hildegard College will help you become a redemptive entrepreneur.
We recommend preparing and uploading your personal introduction, short essay responses, unofficial transcripts, and other documents before submitting the application. The application can be saved and revisited prior to submission.
The nuts and bolts of who you are and where you come from.
Your high school education, references, and (optionally) test scores.
Introduce yourself in your own terms. This is a blank slate and your opportunity to present yourself in whatever manner you think reflects who you are individually. We provide no guidelines or limitations beyond what can be written in a text field and/or attached as a file. You may choose to upload a letter, visual design, audio media, art, or other textual document.
What is thinking for? Why is it important for us to cultivate the life of the mind?
Hildegard College equips young entrepreneurs and leaders to discover their calling, to identify opportunities for redemptive change in the world, and to begin the creative work of making that impact. We hold that this endeavor requires building a Foundation of Thought, which Hildegard students pursue through the study of great books and great ideas. With these ends in mind, why are you interested in attending Hildegard College?
What are two books that have influenced your life as a young adult? What ideas do they engage with? Why did they affect you?
As an institution based on a Christian vision of virtue and wellbeing, Hildegard College students choose to sign a Code of Ethics. This common rule of life is one way Hildegard students acknowledge their moral obligations to one another in pursuit of a common goal: the knowledge and love of the truth and the endeavor to further its goods for others. Explain, in your understanding, how the pursuit of moral virtue and its accompanying habits contribute to the enterprise of learning. What do just actions have to do with true thoughts?
Applicants will read and acknowledge the Hildegard Honor Code.
High school completion
The Hildegard College Application
Academic/professional (1) and personal (1) reference letters
An admissions interview
Acknowledgement of Hildegard College’s Honor Code
A 3.2 or higher GPA
The Classic Learning Test, SAT, ACT
Graduate from college without debt!
Hildegard College is an affordable $16,000/year, inclusive of tuition and fees, two annual study abroad opportunities, and membership at our campus co-working space. We offer a subscription model at $1,333 per month.
Hildegard empowers you with a platform and training for students to fundraise for both their tuition as well as their future ventures. We encourage students to work part-time to further reduce tuition expenses and gain valuable experience in their fields of interest.
Need-based scholarships are also available and are awarded annually based on a post-acceptance application.
experience hildegard
next workshops
The best way to learn about Hildegard College is to visit a workshop where we integrate the broader community into our classes. Explore campus, participate in our educational model, share a meal, and meet our staff, faculty, and students. Prospective parents are encouraged to attend with their students.
Are you a creator or entrepreneur looking for inspiration and community? Join us for a morning coffee meetup before work. This month, we’re joined by Jeff Tanner—Nonprofit Leader and Founder of The Formation Agency—as he leads a hands-on discussion about Crafting A Dream Statement.
Buenas Coffee x Hildegard College x FLDWRK